
Case - Tillseeding of rape

Longer flowering period with tillseeding

The Danish farmer, Poul Sørensen, experienced repeated problems with waterlogging and had problems establishing crops. He called his local machine station for help and they brought a HE-VA Sub-Tiller for the job. He is now using the tillseeding techniques for almost all of his rape fields and sees a remarkable difference.

Read the story here

Case - Seedbed preparation

Improved soil flow

Years of struggling with soil flow in damp conditions and a one-sided cultivator started Welbeck Farming Company's search for a new disc cultivator and they bought a Disc-Roller Contour.

Tractor driver Mark Newton from Welbeck says about their new disc-cultivator,

"I've been places with the HE-VA that you wouldn't believe" 

Read the story here